Theme Park, Amusement Park and Attractions Industry News

A new product for a new normal

Photo Booth manufacturer, Digital Centre (DC) has introduced a product designed to help the industry get on its feet again – the Selfie PHOTO Mask, an automatic custom mask Kiosk with the client’s face on it, logos, seasonal designs or any photo from the client’s phone.

DC’s motto is “keep smiling while wearing the mask”. According to a spokesperson: “Locations  increase brand engagement by wearing a custom mask with the logo, caring for the customers while keeping the brand shining. Patrons take a photo at the kiosk and select design, size and quantity. It can be free play, as a complimentary, with the logo from the location, or coinOp at the Kiosk (cash, credit/debit card).

Available in three sizes, the Selfie PHOTO Mask is suitable for any location as parks, cinema, theatres, bowling alleys, bars, FECs, but also malls, stores, tourist areas…. and buildings or offices too. “Actually anywhere!” says the company.

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